The year 2020 was marked by an unprecedented crisis due to the Covid-19. The health measures put in place by the government (regulatory closures of shops, lockdowns, travel restrictions, curfews, etc.) have changed the daily lives and habits of French people.
In order to analyse the impact of these events on the main consumer sectors, we are co-publishing, with fintech CDLK, specializied in the exploitation of payment data, a 2020 retrospective.
The Barometer is based on the categorized analysis of credit card transactions of a sample of 150,000 cardholders, active French consumers, treated anonymously by CDLK’s Payment Data Management Platform (PDMP).
The Barometer has thus illustrated, through its 11 editions, the levels of spending by bank card, sector by sector and by type of purchases (in-store or online), during periods of lockdowns and periods of shops reopening.
For this 2020 retrospective, Syrtals Cards brings its contribution and expert’s view, by recalling the challenges around transactional data and its good operation. In particular, we stress the importance of a so-called “smart” categorization of payment data to produce a barometer with such a high level of detail.
For this publication, the common goal of CDLK and Syrtals Cards was to revisit this particular year 2020, to analyze it as objectively as possible, linking as much as possible the variation in categorized spendings to the past events.
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